Imbolc is on February 2nd, the same date as the mundane holiday of Groundhog’s Day and the Catholic holiday of Candlemas.
Imbolc comes from the word for milk and in ancient times this is when the sheep’s milk came in for their lambs. This and other things marked the unseen stirrings of spring and the promise of returned warmth. The people began to plan what to plant and where. Repair of tools for use in the spring was important at this time.
This is a time of plans and preparations as we move towards our goals. It is a time for initiations, purifications, pledges and a generally house cleaning of anything that will not work with you in the busy times ahead.
This Sabbath marks the recovery of the Goddess from the birthing of the God as well as the strengthening of the God as subtle changes in the earth give promise of spring with His returning light. In the story of Persephone, She is readying herself at this time for her departure from Hades or has just begun her long journey back to the world of the living.